University Management



Das Foto zeigt das dreiköpfige Präsidium an der EHB: drei männliche Personen in blauen Anzugsjacken

The Evangelische Hochschule Berlin is managed by a team of three. The members of the executive board are the President, the Vice-President and the Chancellor. Together they are responsible for the management and further development of the university.
Photo, from left to right: Prof. Dr. Michael Komorek (Vice-President), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer-Werner (President), Andreas Flegl (Chancellor).

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer-Werner, President | Professorship for Social Work with a focus on research methods within the Social Work degree program
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Komorek, Vice-President for Research and Teaching  | Professorship for Inclusion within the Social Work degree program
  • Andreas Flegl, Chancellor | Head of the university administration, in charge of financial and budgetary affairs

For inquiries to the university administration and appointments, please contact the secretary's office.

For Appointments

Nesada Stechling

Position Head of the Secretariat of University Management

Telephone +49 (0)30 845 82 460


Office House F, room F 107

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