Bachelor degree

Social Work (B.A.)

Studierende im Seminar an der EHB
© EHB, FvP

Bachelor of Arts

ECTS Points



7 semesters


Full-time attendance study course (including an integrated internship)


Summer semester and winter semester




This study program is accredited, please see our German website for details.

Further information

Program flyer, PDF

The Social Work degree program offers many different fields of activity: from child and youth welfare to clinical social as well as community work. In terms of content, the focus is also on working with people, social change and the challenges of a constantly changing professional field in the context of ethical, political and social issues.

Study program

The degree program has a generalist orientation, which means that students are trained for the entire breadth of this specific professional field. Through workshops, project days and electives, students can pursue their individual inclinations and explore their personal fields of interest. The program concludes with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B. A.). State recognition is granted after having applied for this.

Advantages, perspectives, focal points

The close link between theory and practice is a characteristic feature of the program. It is well connected with an excellent network regarding the relevant professional fields: public authorities, independent organisations and (inter)national colleges as well as universities. A certified qualification in theatre education, which is recognised by the Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik (Federal Association of Theatre Education) as a basic qualification, can be acquired in conjunction with the degree in Social Work.

General information on the study program

Currently, there is the possibility of specialising in theatre education with the support of a scholarship in order to work for the city of Berlin administration.

Contents and processes

The degree program provides students with theoretical knowledge, practical-methodical skills and professional competences that enable them to work professionally within the entire spectrum of social work, also independently.

Program structure

The standard period of study is seven full-time semesters (210 credit points). The program has a modular structure. The first semester starts with workshops in which students get to know a field of social work right at the beginning of their studies. The professional internship is completed in the 4th semester. Special in-depth opportunities are available in the 5th and 6th semesters. The students attend two-semester project days during which they can also work on the interdisciplinary as well as socio-political dimension of social work. This is done through concrete projects that enable the students to gain additional practical and research experience.

Acquisition of competences

The aim of the Bachelor's degree program is the acquisition of subject-specific basic knowledge based on the latest scientific findings as well as the development of the competences necessary for the professional activities of social workers (subject-specific, methodological, social and personal competences). Accordingly, the university provides practice- and action-oriented teaching, all of this on a scientific basis. The students are given the ability to critically reflect and further develop the professional tasks of social work in order to promote participation, self-determination and human dignity.


A 20-week internship is compulsory in the 4th semester. It enables students to test, apply and expand their acquired knowledge and competences through practical experience. The internship is prepared and followed up in seminars. In addition, it is accompanied by study days, advice from and supervision by university staff is provided as well.

Possibilities for further qualification

The vocationally qualifying degree enables students to take up a Master's program. EHB offers two transdisciplinary consecutive Master's programs: "Counselling in Social Work" and "Management – Education – Diversity".

Admission requirements

The admission requirement for taking up the degree program is the general higher education entrance qualification or the entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences, the subject-related higher education entrance qualification, a previous education recognised as equivalent or a study entitlement as a professionally qualified applicant without a higher education entrance qualification according to section § 11 Law on Higher Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher Education Act – BerlHG / Gesetz über die Hochschulen im Land Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz - BerlHG). 

No internship is required before commencing studies. 

Application deadlines

Summer semester 

  • Last application date: January 15th 

  • for professionally qualified applicants (according to section § 11 BerlHG): October 1st 

Winter semester 

  • Last application deadline for applicants who obtained their university entrance qualification before January 16 (so-called 'Altabiturient:innenfrist'): June 30

  • Otherwise by: July 15. This deadline applies to all applicants who obtained their higher education entrance qualification on or after January 16th of the year in which they wish to begin their studies. 

  • For professionally qualified applicants (according to section § 11 BerlHG): April 1 

When applying for a second degree program, the date of completion of the first degree program is considered the date of acquisition of the higher education entrance qualification. 

Applications are made via the EHB online application portal within the respective application period. This begins for a summer semester at the beginning of December and for a winter semester usually in mid-May and ends in each case at the set application deadline (see above). 

After registering as an applicant and completing the application process online, print out the 'Application for Admission', fill it out and attach the required documents. An application submitted via the EHB online application portal alone is not yet valid. The application for admission must be submitted to EHB with the required documents by the respective application deadline. The date of receipt of the application for admission with all the required documents at EHB is decisive, not the date of the postmark. 

The online application is currently not valid for professionally qualified applicants according to section § 11 BerlHG and for applicants who would like to apply for a higher semester. 

Application documents are available in the download area for applicants who would like to apply in accordance with section § 11 BerlHG for the summer semester from the beginning of August on and for an application for the winter semester from the beginning of February on. Applicants who wish to apply for a higher semester should contact the Admissions Office directly. 

Applications for several degree programs are possible. 

For information and enquiries

Please send us your questions about the content of your degree program by e-mail using the "Write to us" button below. 

For questions regarding the application and admission process as well as the organisational study process, please contact the Admissions Office (for contacts please see the link to the website). Thanks. 

Head of study program

Prof. Dr. Rebekka Streck

Position Professorship for social pedagogy | Co-Head of the Bachelor's program in Social Work

Telephone +49 (0)30 845 82 218


Office House A, room A 217

© Prof. Dr. Anke Dreier-Horning

Prof. Dr. Anke Dreier-Horning

Position Professorship for pedagogy in Social Work | Co-Head of the Bachelor's program in Social Work

Telephone +49 (0)30 845 82 254


Office House E, room E 209

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