International Affairs

Active for Intercultural Exchange
The Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin (EHB) sees itself as being an internationally-oriented university that actively promotes intercultural exchange. For the EHB, participating in the Erasmus+ program is essential for the internationalization of the university. We provide support to students, lecturers as well as our staff when it comes to their projects abroad and map out ways of how to finance these. The EHB warmly welcomes all international students who are interested in a short-term stay, an internship or even a full course of study at the university. Comprehensive information on this is given below. All those that are interested in international activities and have any questions that need to be clarified are invited to mail, phone or talk to us in person.
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Tanja Reith, M.A.
Position Head of International Office
Working areas Internationales / International Office
Telephone +49 30 845 82 135
Office F-Building, Room F 103

Stephanie Palm, M. A.
Position International Office | Deputy Erasmus Institutional Coordinator | Projekt Leader BRIDGES
Working areas Internationales / International Office
Telephone +49 30 585 985 683
Office A-Building, Room A 201