Bachelor degree

Extra-occupational study program: Protestant Religious Education (B.A.)

The extra-occupational study program is aimed at professionals who are already working in the community education service of a regional church, who would like to gain further qualifications whilst still working in their jobs or who would like to expand their current field of activity or become eligible for leadership positions.

For this group of interested persons, the EHB offers a religious and community education as well as transdisciplinary degree program. The focus is both theological and pedagogical and the participants are constantly involved in practically relevant activities.

The teaching concept is tailored to the professional situation and builds on the competences that participants have already acquired. In an internship, new perspectives on either work in schools or congregations can be gained. Following the Bachelor's degree in “Protestant Religious Education & Diaconia”, graduates can enrol in the Master's program and apply for the vicariate, the teaching of Protestant religious education or, depending on the regulations of one’s regional church, for other types of schools.


Prof. Dr. Matthias Hahn

Position Professorship for Protestant Religious Education & Diaconia | Head of the Bachelor's program Extra-occupational variant: Protestant Religious Education & Diaconia

Telephone +49 (0)30 845 82 211


Office House D, room D 204

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